Inspired by Norman Rockwell's 1920 painting, "And Every Lad May Be Aladdin (Crackers in Bed)."
Sheet music for "Norman Rockwell" is available HERE at ContemporaryMusicalTheatre.com.
Concert recording from Part of It All, produced by NYMF’s Student Leadership Program (July ‘12).
Musical setting of an excerpt of e. e. cummings' poem of the same name.
The first song I ever wrote (March '08).
Music and Arrangement by Alex Ratner
Lyrics by Nimal Eames-Scott
Featured on busted. by The Duke's Men of Yale (Click HERE for the iTunes Preview)
Featured on Voices Only 2013 College A Cappella, Vol. 2 (Click HERE for the iTunes Preview)
Nominated for the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award (CARA) for Best Original Scholastic Song (2013)
Arrangement by Alex Ratner
Originally performed by Tina Turner
Featured on To Be Young and in Glove by The Yale Whiffenpoofs (Click HERE for the Bandcamp page)